Flexi Fidgets For All!

Build Your Order Now

icon for a party favor functional idea for the fidget toys

Party favors

desk icon used as a functional idea for the use of the fidget toys

desk toys

collectible icon for a functional idea to collect each of the fidget toys



Our Involvement


Local Markets
market icon to indicate that we sell our fidgets at our local markets and around our town.

Come see us at the Tuacahn weekly markets. Other community event markets as well! Follow us on Instagram to find out which markets we'll be at!

icon for wholesale pricing to indicate that we offer that as an option for anyone that is interested.
Wholesale Pricing

Email us for wholesale pricing. We're excited to get our fidgets out there for everyone! omni3d.studio24@gmail.com

They Love

their FIDGETS!

fox cutout of a picture of the fox fidget
five stars used for our reviews to indicate we got a five star review from a customer

Love my gecko! Great quality item, so fun to play with and keep on my desk. The shipping was speedy too! Excited to get more!

Etsy Review by Tosha T.

five stars used for our reviews to indicate we got a five star review from a customer

Really smooth print surfaces and great quality! I also ordered some others and I’m impressed with everything I’ve purchased so far!

Etsy Review by Josh H.

five stars used for our reviews to indicate we got a five star review from a customer

These little guys are adorable!!! Super good quality and very sturdy 3d prints. They articulate and move super well too.

Etsy Review by S Roberts

five stars used for our reviews to indicate we got a five star review from a customer

Soooo Cute! If you can't have a real one, this is the next best little buddy!

Etsy Review by Dallas W.